Domestic Family Violence Resources
Resources produced by Queensland Churches Together
Resources for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence - 2023
Inserts for bulletins and newsletters
Book - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Questions Women ask about relationships and Christian Belief
Book for clergy, pastoral carers and those seeking support in their family relationships. The book is available in both hard and soft copies (ebooks). Cost $5 plus postage. Books can be ordered through the QCT office or by completing an order form.
DFV Leaflet - Available in different Languages
Simple Chinese
Be-a-better Bystander leaflet
Leaflet can be printed - 3 leaflets per A4 sheet. Download here
Posters for toilet doors
Posters with phone numbers that can be displayed behind toilet doors
DFV Self-assessment tool for Churches
See where you are at as a church in terms of responding to and educating about Domestic Family Violence. Download assessment tool
DFV Resources for Worship services and small groups
Sermon notes for 16 days of Activism -2023
Domestic Family Violence (DFV) Resources
Christian DFV Websites
Hidden Hurts, Healing Hearts Domestic violence web page of the Lutheran Church Australia. Contains lots of personal stories and the Domestic Violence Handbook for Pastoral Workers
Faithful and Effective Information and resources from the Anglican Southern Qld Diocese. Includes links to the National Anglican Family Violence Project and a Bible study series.
Restored Relationships, based in the UK, is an international Christian alliance working to transform relationships and end violence against women. They have produced a resource "Ending Domestic Abuse: A Pack for churches" The pack is available in multiple languages. English version of the pack can be downloaded here to download
Common Grace Domestic Family Violence webpage
A Catholic response to Domestic Violence - Resources produced by the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
Faith Trust Institute -Working together to end sexual and domestic violence - Multi faith, multi cultural organisation in the USA. Website contains blogs/articles and information on how Domestic Violence is viewed by different faiths
Anglican Communion Gender Justice Includes resources in multiple languages.
Christian DFV Articles/Books/Podcasts
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Social Justice Statement 2022-23 - Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse
Video: Interview with Angela Mayer of the Lutheran Church on how to support a friend or loved one experiencing Domestic Family Violence
Julia Baird article published by the ABC: Domestic Violence in the Church: When women are believed change will happen
ABC article: How the Church can do better by Domestic Violence victims
Domestic Abuse and Covid 19 How churches can respond - Resource from the Anglican Communiion
Beyond Violence resource published by the Uniting Church in Australia
General DFV Websites
Queensland Government Domestic violence Portal
Commonwealth Bank Australia, in collaboration with Our Watch, have produced a set of video resources on understanding family violence; workplace responses to family violence; understanding and responding to employees who use violence and understanding financial abuse. Link to resources here
Creative Spirits website for information on Domestic Family Violence for Aboriginal people
General DFV Articles/Stats/Information/Books/Podcasts
Domestic Violence National Plan 2022-2032 - National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032
For Statistics on Domestic Family Violence: "Family Domestic and Sexual Violence in Australia: continuing the national story 2019 In brief" produced by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Link here
Online Safety and Abuse: E Safety What is On Line Abuse
E Safety Red flags - Are you at Risk?
Australian Bankers Association Industry Guidelines: Financial Abuse and Family domestic violence policies - The guidelines give a good explanation of financial abuse
On the way Podcast Oct 2019 - Interview with Jess Hill on Power, Control and Domestic Abuse
Video: Domestic Violence Completely Destroyed Me - Channel 4 News UK 2012 - WARNING Viewers may find story distressing
Book - How to be an Ally, from the Safe and Together Institute
Report The Choice Violence or Poverty by Anne Summer released July 2022
Podcast by Jess Hill: The Trap A series of 9 podcasts seeking to answer questions of Why Domestic Abuse persists? Why do people become abusive? And What can we do to prevent Domestic Abuse?
CALD Resources
Immigrant Women's Support services has leaflets and information in different languages
Refugee and Immigration Legal Services (RAILS)
Red Cross Family and Domestic Violence Financial Assistance Program - support for people on temporary visas who are experiencing Domestic and Family Violence
The Duluth Power and Control Wheel in different languages
Faith Trust Institute - Working together to end sexual and domestic violence - Multi faith, multi cultural organisation in the USA. Website contains blogs/articles and information on how Domestic Violence is viewed by different faiths
The Anglican Communion have produced "Domestic Abuse and Covid 19: How churches can respond" in multiple languages
Other Resources
Alternatives to Violence Project - Queensland