Learn the skills needed to be an effective Hospital Chaplain.

NEW Hosptial Chaplaincy Skills workshop  starting 20 July

 HospitalChaplaincyFlyerThis four day workshop combines the listening skills taught through the acclaimed LAB1 course with teaching on the fundamentals of Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care within the hospital setting.  It has been designed for anyone considering becoming a hospital chaplain, for existing chaplains that want to learn listening skills and for pastoral carers who regularly visit in hospitals.

The course will run over two weekends:  20 & 21 July and 3 & 4 August.

The charge for the course is $200, which includes a copy of a manual and morning and afternoon teas.  (BYO lunch).  To register go to https://www.trybooking.com/CSQHE

For more information - download the course brochure here


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PO Box 2096 Toowong Qld 4066

Rev David Baker, General Secretary
Phone: (07) 3369 6792
Email: gensec@qct.org.au

Jackie Fewtrell, Administration Officer
Phone: (07) 3369 6792
Email: admin@qct.org.au